Salmon and Salad with Tomato and Basil Vinaigrette

This is a very healthy and refreshing lunch, that can be made in no time. It could work as a perfect office lunch, prepared the night before, and eaten cold!

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4 salmon
2 tea spoon olive oil
a bit of rosemary
red peppercorn

For the salad
1 lettuce or 1 green salad
1 bunch rocket
2 fresh onions

For the vinaigrette
100 ml olive oil
juice of 2 lemons
2 medium tomatoes
1 garlic clove
1 tbs dry basil or enough fresh basil
salt, pepper


  • Remove the seeds and skin of the tomatoes
  • Grate or finely chop the fresh rosemary
  • Wash the lettuce and rocket and chop into desired size
  • Finely chop the spring onions

Preheat oven to 180°C

1. Baste the fish with the sunflower oil, sprinkle with grated or finely chopped rosemary depending if it is dry or fresh and the smashed red peppercorn. Add salt and pepper and bake  for 8-15 minutes according to how cooked you like your salmon.

2. For the vinaigrette: mix the tomatoes with the rest of the ingredients in the blender.

3. For the salad: Mix the greens  with the dressing and the spring onion. Serve cold.

*This is a perfect meal to try individual plating. Place a bunch of seasoned salad (fluffing it up with your hands) at the side of the plate and the salmon fillet slightly laying on the salad and diagonally crossing the plate.